Susan Gilberg

Susan Gilberg first moved to Somers with her husband Jeff almost 46 years ago, before either of them had come out to each other. In the years since, their lives have changed in many ways. Today, they are both openly gay parents to an adult son and have remained here together, sharing a home that plays an important role in their shared community.

After attending a meeting for lesbians in Westchester for the first time on her 35th birthday, Susan began to accept herself and create a community. In the years since, she has been involved in various Westchester-based groups and formed lifelong friendships with other “old dykes,” as she says.

Susan (furtherst right) with her husband and twin sister Perri at a bike shop

In this interview with the Westchester LGBTQ+ History Project, Susan discusses her family and dating life over the years, as well as her experience in various lesbian community and activist groups. She also offers insight to young LGBTQ+ people and the community at large.

“I’m told by my friends that it’s a gift that we give to our group by keeping everybody together, that we have a place that we can meet and socialize. So, it’s important. It’s very important. And I will do it as long as I can do it.”

To view the full transcript of this interview, click here.

Susan (left) with her mother and twin sister, Perri
Perri, Susan’s twin sister, with her dog (now Susan’s dog) Dallas on her and Susan’s 70th birthday

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